Call us: (6017) 438 3233
Featured services
We Provide Reliable Services
For Your Home
For your Busineses, Warehouses, factory
Engineering Procument Construction
Solar Farm, Large outdoor Parking Area

Peace of Mind Operation
We only choose the TOP -Tier Solar System Product for you, That will give you the best value in term of quality, product support, reliable and performance consistentcy.

We believe that greatest products will always come with the best warranty terms to protect the benefits and intrest of our clients.

There is an All RISK insurance that will cover your Solar PV System / Investment away from the unexpected circumstances like fire, Lightning Strike, 3rd Party Damage, Storm or Public Liability.

Preventive Service (optional)
We always recommended our Clients to carry out Preventive Maintainence on the Solar PV System on yearly basis or every 2 years.

Our Latest Solar Projects